Tuesday, April 10, 2012

South Africa

I am sitting at a Bed and Breakfast in Johannesburg, South Africa with some of my best friends and family in the entire world. What a blessing! It is so peaceful here (behind the locked gates and walls with spikes on top). It's like an oasis. So green! Many different birds, perfect breeze, shade, thatched roof; such a beautiful, restful atmosphere. Most of Joberg is found behind walls and gates. This is something truly special.

[B&B (Jonathan and Haven)]
[Sunset, flying over Africa]

We flew in last night from Dubai, UAE, where we spent several days with friends who live and gather as a body called Gatekeepers. Lot of worship. Lots! It was such a powerful time. This is our third year visiting Dubai, and our first time with Melissa, Cadence, and Haven (Jonathan's wife and amazing children). It feels like family. Worship feels like celebration, like just part of what we love and get to do as a family! It changes the atmosphere when worship comes from real family that exists in day to day life. We spend most of our time together in Sophia, a small town with no traffic lights, and one gas station. But the fields you drive by are beautiful deep green, and the skies are blue, and when storms roll in the deep gray overcasts the land with a light that is another kind of beautiful. We work together, eat together, laugh together, cry together, fail together, do well together, grow together. We do grow. Family is where it is at.

[@ JFK]
[Coffee in Dubai (Stephen, Jake, Yours Truly)]

These amazing trips are some of our branches that can reach and bear fruit because of the deep roots of our lives together as one in Christ, in his Holy Spirit, steeped deep in God's love. We're not moving. We've moved in, planting our lives and planning our days around this amazing kingdom of Heaven given on earth. Are you rooted? This is God's plan, His wonderful idea, the way He provides and nourishes us as one. "For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body" (Ephesians 5:29-30). His body. There is power and authority in our lives when we are in the body. We get to get in His authority, the freedom of His rule. In Christ. What He has accomplished and is accomplishing! What a home. There is no darkness in Him. Oh how beautiful! And we are His Bride.

We are leading a School of Worship this week in Joberg, you should come if you are in the area! I'm leading worship and teaching a bit as well the others. Jonathan, Melissa, Jake, and Stephen Price. It's gonna be a blast!

...A little glimpse into where we have been and what we are up to. Thank you all who pray for us and support us. It means the world. It is to Jesus receiving the reward of His suffering.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

sniffly times, a new space, and new friends

Being sick is not fun. 

But getting to sleep in and take your time, and watch movies, and just...rest. That is fun. It is good to have permission to do that, especially when you need it.

I'm getting over a fantastic head cold from the past few days, and just allowing myself to rest. To recover. I haven't been sick for a long time, and I am thankful for that. I am also thankful that I am able to rest to get better. (Thank You Papa.)

I figured this would be a good time to dive into blogging (the time is always now :) But now I am doing it. I'll try to catch some of you up on my story of how I got here, and what God, this community, and I have been up to, as I go.

Just a few days ago, we, the family at A Place for the Heart welcomed four wonderful friends who journeyed with us this past summer during the 18 Inch Journey, to intern and live, day-in and day-out with us for the next 8 months. 

Joshua, Camryn, Sydnee, Ella. 

All beautifully diverse, wonderfully and fearfully made in God's image. What a joy! We're doing all sorts or creative, heart-deep, fun, exciting, in- and out-pouring things; opening up the light of who each of us are, created in Christ. There is light to be seen, to be released. It's a deep dive; a committed journey, sharing space, meals, dishes, washers and dryers, and this land we so gratefully own. (Thank You, God!)

(Pic: Table set for Interns' Welcome Dinner)

I'll be getting to share some time most weeks with the intern-friends, teaching and sharing from Scripture and God's wonderful big Father-heart! I'm excited to dive more intentionally into hearing, crafting and gathering these thoughts, and teaching with the Holy Spirit. He leads us into all Truth (come on, You're awesome!). Some of those thoughts will undoubtably end up on this blog. Pray for us as we dive into this new journey together with these four lives that have such value to the Father. 

Also! Me and Jake have been renovating the top floor of one of our buildings (well, more Jake lately than me. I've been watching The Patriot!) into a new apartment space for the guys. It's so awesome! The bottom floor of this building ("The Barn") was all storage when we arrived at "The Farm" (A Place for the Heart) three May's ago. We got to clear it out, move it's contents to other locations, consolidate, and renovate it into the first apartment/dorm space for guys. It is such a blessing, and so beautiful. Three bunks can sleep 6, but one bathroom and three generous closets lives 4 at the most, comfortably. So up we go! Jake and I are moving upstairs, and Camryn and Joshua are moving in downstairs with their Intern-Leader, Chris Miller. What an amazing bunch of guys. 5 guys! That's also a great burger joint.

In other news, I am praying and dreaming into planning a new CD project this year! I'll be updating here on how you can be involved, what's going on, and give you opportunities to give the green stuff that makes it all happen, if you are someone who desires to be a part of this process in that way!

Thank you in advance!

Bless you all today.

God, I pray that in the way you do, you would bind up the broken-hearted today. Bind up our wounds, and help us rest and receive healing, to the restoration of our souls, spirits, and bodies. Amen. (Psalm 147:3, Isaiah 61:1, Psalm 23:1-3)

-Joel Case